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Boise Chiropractors for Health & Wellness

Begin Care Today | Don’t Wait!

“Maybe It Will Go Away” – These might be the five most dangerous words to your health. Don’t wait– Get help today with chiropractic. Chiropractic adjustments help thousands of people everyday. Not only do adjustments help relieve pain, but chiropractic adjustments are stepping stones to rehabilitating your spine so you will be less likely to suffer in the future.

Our Doctors

Dr. Mick Tiegs

Dr. Mick Tiegs

I chose to be a chiropractor because my family utilized chiropractors all through my childhood. My family would go to chiropractors for the usual back and neck pain as well as health maintenance. Throughout junior high and high school I would see my chiropractor regularly for acute problems as well as maintenance check-ups to keep my body healthy- I am very fortunate now to be able to take care of my family, kids, and friends… learn more about Dr. Tiegs >>


Dr. W. Kevin Davis

Dr. W. Kevin Davis

A sports enthusiast who followed a basketball dream through high school in the Philadelphia area, into college at Lafayette playing for former Los Angeles Lakers coach Butch van Bredda Kolf, attending rookie and free agent 76er’s training camp along with Charles Barkley to finishing a career traveling the world with the Washington Generals… learn more about Dr. Davis >>


Call Northside Chiropractic now to schedule an appointment and let’s see how chiropractic care can help you!